This post is a code review of the game loop of Cocos2d-x (v3.10). The game loop is the heart of a game. It keeps the game running.

In the game loop of Cocos2d-x, there are two phases: 1. Drawing the current scene; 2. Cleaning up objects in the auto-release pool. In the DisplayLinkDirector::mainLoop():


What jobs done in the drawScene method?

  • Handle input events.

      if (_openGLView)

    However, the pollEvents of GLView is an empty implementation. I have find only one actual implementation which calls the glfwPollEvents method in the CCGLViewImpl-desktop file.

  • Tick the scheduler.

      if (! _paused)
  • Clear GL buffers and all FBOs.

  • Set the next scene, i.e. if the _nextScene is not null, assign it to the _runningScene.

      if (_nextScene)

    This code fragment prompts that if we write a statement to switch scene, it will take effect only in the next frame.

  • Push matrix.



  • Update the physics world if there is.

  • Render the scene (the actual work of “draw scene”).

  • If there is a notification node, draw it.

      if (_notificationNode)
          _notificationNode->visit(_renderer, Mat4::IDENTITY, 0);
  • Pop matrix.



  • Swap buffers

      if (_openGLView)